Two Column Layout Hero

  <div class="component rhd-c-two-col-hero-layout">
    <div class="pf-l-grid pf-m-gutter">
      <div class="pf-l-grid__item pf-m-12-col pf-m-4-col-on-lg pf-m-3-col-on-xl">
        4 col
      <div class="pf-l-grid__item pf-m-12-col pf-m-8-col-on-lg pf-m-9-col-on-xl">
        8 col

Example below with content

Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces

A collaborative Kubernetes-native development solution that delivers OpenShift workspaces and in-browser IDE for rapid cloud application development.

Sit reprehenderit elit ad aliquip dolore. Voluptate aliquip ex sit officia aute aliquip qui. Minim adipisicing voluptate eu est officia esse aliqua sint. Laborum laborum est exercitation commodo laborum officia magna.

Cheat sheet

Cheat sheet title that can go to two lines only and then must truncate after it passes two lines.

Cheat sheet

Cheat sheet title that can go to two lines only and then must truncate after it passes two lines.

Cheat sheet

Cheat sheet title that can go to two lines only and then must truncate after it passes two lines.

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