<dp-alert heading="Alert with a Heading:">This is the alert text</dp-alert>
<dp-alert type="success" heading="Success Heading:">This is the success text</dp-alert>
<dp-alert type="warning" heading="Warning Heading:">This is the warning text</dp-alert>
<dp-alert type="error" heading="Error Heading:">This is the error text</dp-alert>
<dp-alert type="info" heading="Info Heading:">This is the info text</dp-alert>
<dp-alert type="info" size="xl" heading="Welcome jboss.org members!">It's true - JBoss Developer and Red Hat Developer Program are joining forces. You can find all the great Middleware information that you were looking for right here on developers.redhat.com. <a href="https://developer.jboss.org/blogs/mark.little/2017/08/31/we-are-moving?_sscc=t">Read more about this on our blog.</a></dp-alert>